Green background with world globe in foreground and icons related to artificial intelligence

Launching in 2024, this exciting new subject focuses on the interdisciplinary field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI), led by staff from the Data Science Institute (DSI). You will acquire essential skills in data analysis, along with the opportunity to work on real-world AI applications, through a combination of lectures, hands-on tutorials and group projects.

In 2024 you will: 

  • Explore the foundations of data science - where data comes from, how we gather and store it, how we transform it into structures we can learn from, how we visualise it, how we secure and protect it, and how we learn from it.
  • Cover the foundations of artificial intelligence (AI) and how data science is crucial for empowering AI, serving as the interface to AI and machine learning.

The Data Science Institute

The Data Science Institute is dedicated to advancing research and building community in the exciting interdisciplinary field of data science, the integrative fusion of mathematics, statistics, and computer science applied to address basic and practical problems in the sciences (natural, life, and social), engineering, and society. 

Further information and a session outline will be published soon. Register your interest to be kept informed

Person speaks in front of large screen to audience

Data Science Institute

Person speaks in front of large screen to audience

Data Science Institute

Data science institute big screen with people

Data Science Institute

Data Science Institute